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When Worlds Collide On Social Media

The internet is a fantastic tool for sharing information and for communicating with like minded individuals. We no longer need to travel the world to get our name out there and news travels fast online. Most of us have gradually adapted to these changes without stopping to really think about what's happening and the possibilities that are now open to us. We use this medium to connect with friends, to share our thoughts and often to aid in our quest for knowledge. From a professional perspective, this allows us to really showcase who we are and what we're all about.

It can be difficult to separate our personal and professional identities online and to find the right balance. I am still learning how to get this balance right. The good news is, I have many platforms to share my passions for music, art and film without barraging my friends and families with posts they are not interested in and instead I aim to find an audience for my particular brand of insanity. Keeping my personal Facebook friends and family focused while I still use it largely for networking and for keeping in touch with what is going on in the underground music scene.

I have learnt a lot about separating my Personal life and my Professional life and am now using my professional pages to curate and critique all forms of creative media. I am really starting to learn about quality over quantity while still adding a personal touch. I aim to expand and to have something going on, in every aspect of social media to reach as many people as possible. To continue to create content and build my reputation as an authority on certain subjects. (while always continuing to learn and grow)

So keep your eye out on Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Bandcamp, SoundCloud, for my particular brand of insanity and shameless self-promotion.

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