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Permanent Revolution - Project Plan

This is the Project Plan, aimed to cover the scope, planning, recording and mixing of the upcoming 10 song album by Permanent Revolution.


Permanent Revolution are a 3 piece Brisbane Punk Band, who write short energetic songs with a large focus on delivering a strong message about Unity and Solidarity. Lead singer and songwriter Paul and Bass player Jimmy run an organisation called Punks & Skinheads against Bigotry which is based on sharing social injustice on social media. They are also involved in organising gigs that raise funds to support charity and certain political causes such as raising money for refugees and running political workshops.

Target Demographic

Permanent Revolutions target demographic are punks & skinheads, their niche is specific and direct. Through organising gigs with similar bands they have a following of like minded people who like their music fast, loud and angry, but angry about injustice and inequality. This music targets a younger audience 18-29 touching on topics of central concern to younger people. The band's music is a call to arms for politically charged youth.

Artistic Merit

The name Permanent Revolution itself is a term from Marxist Theory A revolution which makes no compromise with class rule. They know exactly how they want their music to sound and exactly how they want to get their message across. And our goal is to help them achieve this as quickly and effectively as possible. They already have merchandise such as T-shirts, patches, badges and even flags printed and in circulation for Permanent Revolution, Punk & Skinheads against Bigotry and their associated band Myrtle Place. This merchandise all has a stylised look utilising red and black to represent socialism, clenched fists to represent solidarity. These designs showcase, what they stand for and exactly what they want to present to their audience.

Genre Definition Permanent Revolution are essentially an Oi Punk/ Street Punk band with Ska roots. This is a genre defined by being music made by the working class to speak out on behalf of the oppressed. The Ideology and aesthetics are deeply rooted in ska music, the delivery is very Oi! Punk while the tone and attack are very Street Punk. They have blended their influences in a way that is still fresh to young ears without losing sight of their roots.


The Deliverables for this project will be 10 MP3’s at 16 Bit with a 44.1 sample rate. As these MP3’s will be released on C.D. and online

Associates and Comrades

Myrtle Place, Riot Punch, Hang, Homicide Barbie, The Gutter, The Knock Backs, Slick 46, Wild Spears, Those Rat Bastards, Trigger Warning.




Weeks 4 - 6 we will look at making more bookings between 17/6/17 - 8/7/17 We aim to have all the tracking done by the 1st of July to allow time for mixing. Weeks 6 - 9 Will be spent on mixing the tracks, which we aim to have done by the 29th of July. (end of week 9)

Due to the time restraints we may or may not get through all 10 songs on each of those days. (This depends on how tight that band are and how well things go) The band have listed the songs in order from most important to least and we will get as far through that list as we can at each stage. I do have faith that these boys can do it. The songs are simple, short and they are tight. We may need a few bookings in those last few weeks to finish off all the tracking, overdubs or fix things.

Inputs: The Audient 4816 B only has 8 inputs. This is enough for the scratch tracks, Bass, Guitars and Vocals But we have had to make careful considerations for the drums.

Risk Mitigation Strategy

Production Management

We have opted for the Critical Path style of project management. The reason for this is simple. We are treating this like a real world project in a real studio with a working class band as if they are paying for the sessions and only have a certain budget and timeframe to get things done. There will not be time to try things and re-evaluate them. We are confident we have enough experience and conviction to make decisions before we start and have faith in the band to execute the tasks at hand and follow through.

Data Management Plan

Communication has taken place through Facebook Messenger in group chats. The production manager will give a physical copy of the production plan, including mic positions and input list to each of the members of the team before the sessions. we will also create a new ProTools session for each of the tracks in advance, so when we get into the studio all the routing is done and we just have to open each session and hit record. Each member of the team will take a copy of the ProTools sessions at the end of each session to ensure we do not lose anything.

Production Team

Shay Jagger Mitchell - Production Manager - Main spokesperson and front man of the group - Manages people and ensures smooth workflow - Mediator between artist and engineering team - Lead by example and help where necessary - Monitoring the quality of the takes - help the band achieve their goals

Jaxon Arrundell - Daw / Tape Operator - To create and set up ProTools session - Create and set up tracks - Monitor track input/output - Ensure sessions are saved appropriately

Adam Higginson - Console/ Desk Engineer - Power up and shut down of equipment

- Setting up signal flow and monitoring input/output levels

- Setting up headphone mix and communication with artist

- Managing patch bay and outboard equipment

- Troubleshooting and keeping things moving

- Zero Desk, power down.

Matthew Wilesmith - Live Room Engineer - Collect and set up microphones - Set up any necessary equipment - Help get a good tone out of amps - To make sure the artist is comfortable and has everything they need - Pack down mic’s roll cables - Liaise with both artist and control room

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